Contest 2023
The Urban Housing Practitioners Hub (UHPH) is calling for entries to the Inspiring Practices Contest 2023, held in the frame of Habit for Humanity’s 5th Latin American and Caribbean Forum on Housing and Habitat: “Responding to the climate and social crisis,” 2023.
What are we looking for?
Policies, plans, programs, projects, initiatives and technological solutions related to housing and habitat in Latin America and the Caribbean, that, through innovation and collaboration, help combat the climate crisis and its effects, mainly in cities and communities.
What type of initiatives?
Those that boost the resilience and adaptiveness of housing and communities to climate-related hazards and in turn, help make cities and human settlements more inclusive, safe, and resilient. Practices aimed at achieving sustainable development and guaranteeing each and every person’s right to adequate housing and the city established in the New Urban Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals.
We want to know about inspiring practices in the region that place people at the center, develop processes of collaborative creation among different players, and aim at generating transformations. Practices that can be expanded, replicated or scaled to increase impact on vulnerable communities and households will receive special consideration.
Ganadores del Concurso “Jóvenes líderes transformando la vivienda y el hábitat”

Iniciativas ganadoras
Categoría Investigación y academia
Carlos Enrique Palomeque Morales + Melissa Villalón | Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey | México | REHABI Centro
Categoría Política pública y gobierno en sus distintas escalas
Santiago Chudnovsky | Secretaría de Integración Socio Urbana | Argentina | Ejecución de obras de Integración Socio Urbana de Barrios Populares en Argentina
Categoría Organizaciones de la sociedad civil
Ygor Santos Melo | TETO Brasil | TECHO Internacional | Brasil | Moradia Semente (Vivienda Semilla)
Categoría Innovación y emprendimiento
José Paúl Núñez Vásquez | Kpulí Voltando Terra | Ecuador | Sistema Biocircular de Tratamiento de Aguas Residuales Domésticas por Evapotranspiración en zonas rurales y urbanas