Organization: CASSA
Category: Innovaciones o desarrollos tecnológicos para la vivienda y la ciudad sostenible e inclusiva
There is a shortage of over 1,500,000 homes in Guatemala, affecting almost 8 million people or 54% of the population, who have no place to live or who live in informal and unsafe homes lacking 1 or more essential utilities.
Project objective:
To improve quality of human life through sustainable social housing that integrates intelligent design, natural materials and renewable technologies, that provide users with clean water and energy and sanitation at an affordable price.
Scope: Nationwide, Guatemala.
Achieved Results
21 projects built, including new constructions and housing improvements completed by 2018;
850 families directly benefited from sustainable construction and 300 people with jobs, by 2018;
Creation of a sustainable housing catalogue for the lower-middle and middle sector in Guatemala, potentially worth US$7.0 billion;
Agreement on financial partnerships with relevant institutions, including state banks, international cooperatives and local microfinance institutions.
Expected Results
Transfor the way in which social homes is designed and built in Guatemala;
Demonstrate that it is possible to create affordable and sustainable solutions for families surviving on a minimum wage.
Validate the profitability and feasibility of comprehensive housing solutions that save money, preserve health and protect the environment.
Person/contact: Antonio Aguilar/