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Program for the comprehensive improvement of precarious urban settlements (MIAPU)

Program for the comprehensive improvement of precarious urban settlements (MIAPU)

Program for the comprehensive improvement of precarious urban settlements (MIAPU)

El Salvador

Organization: Vice-Ministry of Housing and Urban Development (VMVDU)

Category: Integración y Prevención de Asentamientos Informales


There are around 2,508 urban settlements in El Salvador, which comprise 495,981 homes and a population of over two million inhabitants. At the same time, the National Housing and Habitat Policy of El Salvador seeks the qualitative and quantitative reduction of housing shortage, as well as decent access to land, infrastructure, services, facilities and public spaces.

Project objective:
To improve the quality of life of families living in extreme poverty within Precarious Urban Settlements (PUS), to facilitate their social inclusion by providing physical infrastructure, to strengthen the social fabric and the opportunity for labor-market insertion.

Scope: Nationwide, 25 municipalities at the national level with urban settlements being in the most precarious conditions.



  • Results 30 precarious urban settlements intervened since 2003;
  • 2,500 families directly benefited, more than 180,000 people indirectly impacted;
  • Inclusive and innovative funding mechanism, which allows for the integration of different funding sources, involving the participation of municipal governments and benefited communities.

Expected Results

  • To continue improving the living conditions of families living in precarious urban settlements, as well as their self-esteem and socio-economic status. 10 new settlements are expected to be intervened in the next two years.

Person/contact: José Roberto Góchez Espinoza/