Organization: Habitat for Humanity International (HFHI)
Category: Mitigación, adaptación y resiliencia del hábitat frente al cambio climático y los desastres
Portmore is a coastal town, 13 km from the country's capital. The municipality has several precarious urban settlements: informal occupation of land, streets impeding transit, poor state of housing complexes, lack of infrastructure for water and sanitation services and a dysfunctional system of solid waste collection and management. The entire area is highly exposed to natural hazards; the high vulnerability of many of its settlements makes disaster risk extremely high.
Project objective:
To increase resilience of the most vulnerable households and neighborhoods through the creation of conditions for neighborhood enhancement, with a disaster risk reduction focus: community infrastructure, housing, water and sanitation, waste management, community organization, urban planning.
Scope: Municipal, neighborhoods of the municipality of Portmore
Achieved Results:
- More than 550 houses integrate improvements and low-cost safe construction techniques, serving as a model for communities
- 21 demonstration toilets with technology that does not require a built sewer network.
- More than 3,300 persons benefited thanks to solid waste management improvement
- More than 720 people participate in disaster preparedness trainings
- 500 homes begin the land tenure regularization process
- Empowered committees and grassroots associations and local leadership, and construction of a community resource center;
Expected Results:
- To advance in pilot practices that show effective methods for disaster risk mitigation, and that these are able to have an impact on inclusive policies for the most vulnerable populations.
Person/contact: Javier Cidón/